Well, we had a pretty good run, didn't we?
If you count my homemade postings on the braughler.net site, this here blog began in July of 2002. "Bob's Blog O' Love," I called it back then -- mainly because a miserable job experience was filling me with anything BUT love. The title was supposed to be ironic. At least as ironic as a black fly in your chardonnay, or 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife.
So I'm closing in on four years of bloggage -- and still nary a point in sight.
What good times we've had...endless ruminations on Mary Worth...the Leviticus series....kids 1 and 2, myocardial infarction #1...dogs and vacations and all sorts of hoots and hjinks.
But there's no question that the last six months or so have seen a decline in both quantity and quality of posts. That kind of bums me out, especially since there's been a steady increase in readership all along. And I'm nothing if not an attention whore.
I attribute my own shark-jumping directly to the decline in number of times I take the dogs for a walk.
My best entries were those in which I came up with a topic at some point during the day, and then mulled over what I wanted to say during our nightly canine constitutional. Those 40 minutes cleared my head, gave me a structure for my postings, and then all I had to do was come home and type it up.
But, with the increased amount of time consumed by family duties, something had to go. Sadly, it's been the doggie walks. (Fear not for the pooches, though -- we had a fence installed last fall, and the dogs now spend a significant part of their days chasing each other and us around the yard. If anything, they're probably BETTER-exercised than they were before.)
But it's become clear to me that something had to change, blog-wise, as well. And so it is that I announce that Subdivided We Stand is entering its final days.
Oh, hell, enough with the melodrama. While it's true that Subdivided is going away, I'm not. Longtime readers know that I often recommend postings by my brother-in-blogging, Joe Kelly. Well, from now on, I won't need to link to him, nor he to me. We've decided to cast our blogging lots together into a new, yet-to-be-named entity.
There are still some details to be worked out. Besides a name (or "brand," if you will), we need to figure out how to re-configure our typepad accounts, how to manage our archived content, and a few other petty items that probably matter to no one but us. Also, we really haven't settled on a date for our collective re-launch.
So that's the news. I think it's going to be great -- with two content providers, there'll be less pressure to post something just for the sake of posting. (Which is something I do but Joe does not, I think. He tends to post only when he has something to say.)
More to come. I'll still continue to post here while the final details of the merger are hammered out. My intentions are to have a new Leviticus up this week, possibly even tomorrow. Stay tuned.
And to steal a catch phrase from one of Joe's novels (a catchphrase which, itself, was stolen from a classic 70's sitcom)....Can two middle-aged men share a blog without driving each other crazy?